The holidays are here again. It is usually a tough time for many people, due to past. trauma, or memories missing people, or just being with people that don't care as mush as you do.
The most difficult thing to learn is not to take things personally. Most people believe they are on the stage of life and everyone else is in the audience, so usually conversations are superficial or half-hearted. When people want to tell you all about them, their lives, their current amazing social media status, and we need to realize they are really not listening or wanting to understand our stories. Nothing personal. Everyone wants to be heard, and few people want to give as much as take. If you do find one of these people, make them part of your inner circle. That's important for your own support.
If you don't want this to happen, you do have the right to set boundaries - it's hard to do- you may 'ruin the holidays' but you have that right.